General Goals 1) to be debt free in 3.5 years 2) save lots of money

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy About Paying bills?

I started writing a blog post while at work today. However I forgot to email it to myself so its currently siting on my desktop at work. oh well. Yesterday I got my Roger's bill in and I was every excited to get it. Last month when I called Roger's in an attempt to reduce my cell bill or to find out how much it would cost me to brake my contract. By the end of the conversation the agent was able to drop by bill by $15.50, so I excited to see that my bill this month is $75.45. Since I budget $100 every month for my phone that means that I have almost $25 I can snowflake into my LoC, how wonderful is that!! Also I got a cheque in the mail as well today, I didn't expect one until June, but what ever works for government. I am not sure what I will do with the cheque ideally, I would like to put it into my LoC. But we will see how everything goes.

Andrea over at So Over Debt blogged about wanting to buy an ipad, she has put the vote to her readers. I voted for her to put the money towards her credit card. The comment on her previous post mentioned a lady by the name of Suze Orman. I had never heard of her and didn't take much note of the name until I turned on the TV and by chance landed on CNBC and her show happened to be on. From what I saw it seamed very 'american' lots of flash and fast talking. I found some of her comments a bit extreme, I mean who needs $5,000 in income monthly when they are 'retired' with no debt!!  But that's my view at least. Any ways it was interesting to see the show and she had some valid points. 


  1. I've seen Suze Orman on Oprah before and she seems to direct her "wisdom" to a certain class of wage earners. I will NOT have a monthly income of $5000 when I retire but I will have NO DEBT. I can live on half that amount, at least I hope so, as that's what I'll have!! A lot of people aspire to a certain type of lifestyle when they retire - big house, cruise every year etc, but that's so not me. My little farmhouse in PEI is going to be very economical to live in and if I need to grow my own veggies to help with my grocery bill then that's what I'll do!
