General Goals 1) to be debt free in 3.5 years 2) save lots of money

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Night Before Pay Day

If you have ever lived in a house with 3 cats you will know cat food is just a much a staple as toilet paper.  We ran out of it cat food and no we didn't have an excuse like a snow storm. Truthfully the cat's wouldn't have bought the excuse even if it was true any ways.  I had hoped the cats would resort to the dog food since pay day is tomorrow. And I will defiantly be getting cat food.  We ran out because the last bag I bought mom was still buying food so I budgeted for not needing to get it for another 4 weeks. Later mom asked if I would take on the cat food buying role. Which I am cool with, I am super picky with the food I feed my two cats and mom isn't. So I was constantly on her for feeding the cats junk. Also its best to stream line what cats eat otherwise things get really smelly.  Any ways I was hoping that  the bag would last, but I miss calculated. I came after work and all 3 cats were following me and giving me the kitty big eyes look, I knew what they wanted.  Now we always have pouches of wet food because a friend always gets them for us, but like I said I am picky so I never given them it. I caved to night. The cats were so happy I think they wish the dry food would run out every week.  This will not happen again, if you see on the right I have now got a Cat Food Fund. This is part of my prep work for March when my budget gets a drastic overhaul.

Today is the night before pay day. I currently have $24.64 in my account. I am going to role $10 into my Visa. The other night I booked a ticket to my first Opera. I got a $+200 ticket for $27 as part of the New Age program to get people under 30 out to the Opera. Yah for being under 30!!  To pay for the ticket I am paying $10 out of this pay and $17 out of my next one. The rest ($14.64)  am rolling into retirement fund.

NOTE: Sorry for this late post, I was having major issues with blogger. Has anyone else had problems with signing in last night?

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