General Goals 1) to be debt free in 3.5 years 2) save lots of money

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Catchup

It has been a busy 3 days for me. on Friday I worked a 10h shift. I switched with another co-worker to get his earlier shift which he was willing to do. Than Saturday morning I was up early to referee three games 8 am, 9 am and the 10 am. It was cold and windy but it was lovely. The league I ref for plays on an outdoor rink and despite the weather it was lovely to be outside. After I came home I had a shower and lunch before going to work. I worked another 10h shift 2-12am. In total I was up from 6:25am-1:30am yesterday. I wasn't moving to fast today. But once mom and I finally got up and at we got started on the basement. We now have a large pile of Goodwill stuff to be dropped off and a few other piles of things that we have to go though. Mom has china and we both have stuff from my Aunt to go though. As I write this at the kitchen table mom is cooking dinner. I am not even sure if I am up for eating, I am feeling very bushed. All I really want to do is curl up with a good book. However Robby is coming over later tonight we have salsa practise. Ah well at least I can't say life is ever boring.

I hope everyone has had a good weekend!


  1. You ARE busy, oh my! Clean the basement then salsa? Oh well, I have to remember how young you are! Is salsa hard to learn?

  2. @jane Salsa is really easy to learn and a lot of fun! Its a great way to learn how to trust and communicate with another person. You should try it!!
